Why Small Towns?

Dream Big, Travel Small

Small Town Love

After living in a remote Alaskan village for three years, my view of small towns changed forever. Instead of big city dreams, I dreamt of exploring small towns and discovering their history, culture, and flavors. In the fall of 2015, I decided to take my small town love a step further and create SmallTownWashington.com where I share my love “one bite, one stay, one adventure at a time” in small town Washington and beyond.

There are so many great small towns to visit all over the world, and I hope Small Town Washington & Beyond inspires you to “dream big, travel small.”

Why focus on small towns?

Small towns create their own vibe, be it artistic, historic, themed, or a variety of other attributes. As a visitor the small size often makes it easier to soak up the energy, become part of the local scene and learn about its culture and history. And, traveling to small towns can often lead to a unique adventure.

What do I know about small towns?

My love of small towns came from living in them. The city of my birth, Los Alamos, New Mexico, had a population of 15,315. Several years later my family moved to Lisle, Illinois, which had a population of over 22,000. During my teen years, I lived in Wabash, Indiana, whose population of 10,000 hasn’t changed much. The largest city I called home was Anchorage, Alaska. The smallest and most remote was Akutan, Alaska, which had a population of around 400 during the high season when I lived there. Since 2006, I’ve lived in Anacortes, Washington, which has a population of a little over 16,000.

What is a small town?

Researchers and government officials use a variety of definitions to distinguish and define small towns which can range from a population of 2,500 to 50,000. I will be focusing on small towns with populations up to 35,000.

What do I look for in a small town?

I’m a foodie, and when I travel I’m always interested in finding the places locals frequent regularly, and the best happy hours, breakfast joints and gourmet dining. History is of great interest to me, and I frequent museums and like to visit historic sites or points of interest. I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors and often search out day hikes, waterfalls, and scenic views. I’m the sort of gal that can rough it camping, but I also like the comforts of a soft bed and luxuries.

How will this website help me?

The goal is to share my small town discoveries with you and provide a range of on-the-ground experiences to make the most of your visit. And, hopefully, you’ll find yourself inspired to visit small towns.


FTC Disclosure
As a travel writer and blogger, businesses will sometimes invite me to experience their services and host a visit. This might come in the form of a comped dinner, accommodation stay or an adventure. Per FTC Disclosure requirements I am calling this out. Please keep in mind that even though an exchange might occur the opinions expressed on Small Town Washington are my own.